our team


Frankline Ojiambo

In October 2023 Frankline was conferred with the status of a National Hero by the President of the Republic of Kenya and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces, His Excellency Dr. William Samoei Ruto, C.G.H. for his remarkable work in Social justice, Climate action, human rights, and philanthropy, and he was awarded a medal and a Certificate of Declaration.

Margaret Wangechi


She is a passionate leader who has extensive experience in youth empowerment and community development. As the Co-founder she promotes sustainable practices that create job opportunities through digital literacy, e-waste repair, and recycling, steering forward a whole-rounded transformation of the youth and women’s lives in the community.


He provides leadership and oversees budgeting, fund management, and compliance to support sustainable growth.

Fredrick Caloo


Mary Nekesa

Eunice Wanja Ngui

Communication Officer

Quinter Usango

Assistant Project Manager


Lead Engineer